M E H U L   S A T H Y A   N A R A Y A N
Birthed from 'I N D I A', Shaped by 'C A L I F O R N I A', Inspired by 'D R E A M S',
Made by 'D E T E R M I N A T I O N'
A B O U T   M E
My name is Mehul Sathya Narayan. I am Indian by birth, born in a country rich in its cultural heritage on September 10, 1999 in the beautiful ‘City of Gardens’, Bangalore. From a very young age, I was fascinated by structures and constructions. My driving force to pursue architecture comes from the sheer creativity, diversity, and progress that are present within this field. In addition to this my passion for photography has helped me to master the skill of observing objects with a different perspective. I want to help add and improve the quality of design and living.
My aesthetic seeks a sustainable, affordable infrastructure amalgamated with a desire to provide shelter to all. To advocate and formulate guidelines for urbanization not at the expense of our varying ethnic, social, and cultural heritages universally; but also evolve energy efficient architectural designs to maintain the uniqueness of our built environment and help reduce global warming by finding solutions to compounded complex problems for a harmonious future.
D E S I G N  P H I L O S O P H Y
This portfolio encompasses my journey of learning through creative exploration, experimentation and expression, self-confidence, teamwork and a never-ending desire for more. It has not only shaped me into a responsible budding architect but has tremendously helped me to understand architecture as a dynamic phenomenon of envisioned possibilities into real life assemble.
I personally feel that different aesthetic monuments from centuries to innovation in technology in modern architecture is unquestionably a boon in my experiences of learning. My work fascinates, aspires and stimulates my grey matter to contemplate and create real life structures for the growth and evolution of the world and the societies who inhibit within it. As well said by Arthur Ashe “Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is more important than the outcome”. My journey continues towards revolutionizing sustainability for the future Eco-friendly world in which I and you will live.
Finally, I take this opportunity to thank Almighty and wish to show my deepest gratitude to my teachers, my colleagues and above all my parents whose support is instrumental during this process of my journey as an architect ….
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